Statistical Physics and Neural Computation (SPNC-2019)
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Oct 4-6, 2019
The Conference
Three Days of Powerful Talks
04-06 Oct 2019
09:00 am-06:00pm
The goal of this workshop is to bring together top worldwide experts with various backgrounds in statistical physics, machine learning, computational/theoretical neuroscience for discussion, collaboration on the frontiers of these interdisciplinary fields. This workshop will be hosted by School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, one of the most beautiful campuses in China.
There are active research interests in the interdisciplinary boundaries across physics, mathematics, machine learning and neural computation, which is mostly stimulated by the success of deep learning techniques in various academic and industrial applications, and also by the inquiry of how the brain works during worldwide brain projects. However, the core topic—-neural networks, still being a black box with key mechanisms unclear in applications, drives the recent efforts of the physics community towards understanding the inner workings of these artificial and biological neural networks. Progress along this line should provide keys to open new door towards new applications, predictions and even new paradigms. Here, we gather top experts in this field to discuss recent progress, and inspire collaborations among the following topics:
Analytic and numerical techniques to analyze neural networks;
Theory of deep learning from different perspectives;
Dynamical models of neural computation;
Data analysis and mechanisms of biological neural networks;
Other theoretical topics of neural computation.
Details to be updated!
Oct 3 Registration at Kaifeng Hotel, Sun Yat-sen University, 2pm-8pm
Oct 4-Oct 6 Main Meeting, Chit Sang Hall (3rd floor):
8:30am-12:00am 3 invited talks (each 50mins) +1 contributed talks (each 30mins) with 30 mins' break
2:00pm-5:40pm 2 invited talks +3 contributed talks with 30 mins' break
We have a few opportunities for contributed talks! If you are interested in giving a contributed talk, please send your talk title and abstract to We cover the local expense including hotel fees.
To attend the workshop, please write to before DeadLine: Sept 23, 2019
A poster of the workshop is shown here but it keeps being updated.
The following list will be updated timely:
Adriano Barra (Università del Salento, Italy)
Alexis Dubreuil (ENS, France)
Pulin Gong (Sydney University, AU)
Haiping Huang (SYSU)
Jonathan Kadmon (Stanford University, USA)
Yoshiyuki Kabashima (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Masafumi Oizumi (Tokyo University, Japan)
Jeffrey Pennington (Google Brain, USA)*
David Saad (Aston University, UK)
Taro Toyoizumi (RIKEN, Center for Brain Science, Japan)
K Y Michael Wong (HKUST, Hong Kong)
Si Wu (Peking University, China)
Gang Yan (Tongji University, China)
Riccardo Zecchina (Bocconi University, Italy)
Changsong Zhou (HKBU, Hong Kong)
Pan Zhang (ITP, CAS)
Contributed Speakers:
Zedong Bi (HKBU)
Yansong Chua (Huawei)
Chihiro Noguchi (Tokyo Tech)
Łukasz Kusmierz (RIKEN)
Junhao Liang (SYSU)
Xiangyu Ma (HKUST)
Tomoyuki Obuchi (Tokyo Tech)
Yu Terada (RIKEN)
Takashi Takahashi (Tokyo Tech)
Juntao Wang (HKUST)
Chuang Wang (IOA, CAS)
Yingying Xu (Tokyo Tech)
Min Yan (HKUST)
Other Participants:
Geng Li (CAS)
Shangnan Wang (CAS)
Kwan Tung Li (HKBU)
Daniel Kristanto (HKBU)
Yuqi Liang (HKBU)
Xinran Ma (Beijing Normal University)
Jack Murdoch Moore (Tongji U)
Tingting Gao(Tongji U)
Xinya Zhang (Tongji U)
Xinjie Zhang (Tongji U)
Wenkuo Cui(Tongji U)
Weifeng Yang (Shantou U)
Yan Zhang (GDUFS)
Jie Li (Shantou U)
Xiwang Liu (Shantou U)
Youfang Yan (Shanxi Normal U)
Nancheng Zheng (SYSU)
Chan Li (SYSU)
Zhengye Huang (SYSU)
Dongjie Zhou (SYSU)
Wenxuan Zhou (SYSU)
Jiangwen Zhou (SYSU)
Zijian Jiang (SYSU)
Tianqi Hou (HKUST)
Xiaohui Deng (HKUST)
Junbin Qiu (SYSU)
Leyi Li (SYSU)